Belize Jungle + Island Glamping Adventure Tour

Snorkeling, Kayaking, Rappelling, Zip-line, SUP, Caving
14 Explorer Chicks
8 Days


Read HERE for info on 2023 Dates.


Join our Belize Jungle Adventure Tour & Glamping adventure trip for women only! Spend 8 glorious days staying active in a tropical paradise! Explore the rainforest jungle, try waterfall rappelling, discover ancient Mayan ruins, snorkel, zip-line, and more! Enjoy all of this, plus luxurious glamping on a remote Caribbean island.

Trade endless staff meetings for a heart-thumping collision of mainland jungle exploration and tropical island glamping on a UNESCO-designated Marine Preserve?! Forgive us, but you aren’t going to BELIZE this trip.   

Your adventure in Belize will encompass the best adrenaline-pumping jungle activities on the mainland and the serene, remote island experience in the middle of the Caribbean Sea on a UNESCO-designated Marine Preserve.

During the first half of your jungle adventure, you’ll explore Mayan ruins, navigate caves featuring 3,000-year-old artifacts, and immerse yourself in the Belizean Jungle embarking on new adventures each day.

Waterfall Rappelling, Zip-lining, and Caving

Learn to rappel and descend 250 feet from the top of a waterfall with views as far as the turquoise Caribbean Sea. Zip-line 2.5 miles through Bocawina National Park over the jungle canopy enjoying Belize from a bird’s eye view.  Then, channel your inner Indiana Jones as you strap on your headlamp and step back in time 3,000 years into the depths of a cave with Mayan artifacts and ceremonial alters.

Mayan Ruins

To top it off, wander the archaeological grounds of Xunantunich. An ancient civilization of over 200,000 people thrived here until 1,000 years ago, when it was mysteriously abandoned. During your adventures on the mainland, stay in a Rainforest Eco-Lodge powered completely by hydroelectricity and solar with your gang of Explorer Chick gal pals.

Snorkeling, Kayaking, and SUP

On the second half of your Belize Jungle Tour Adventure, we’ll whisk you away from the mainland! Travel by boat 36 miles to a remote island Glamping base camp for the next 5 days and 4 nights.

Glover’s Reef Marine Preserve is designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is one of only four atolls in the western hemisphere. The turquoise waters are host to over 700 patch reefs. It is one of the richest tropical marine environments in the Caribbean. The waters here are exceptionally clear because of its isolation from the mainland making it a utopia for spotting marine life and water activities. Hello, coral reefs and all the fishies! 🐠

Fill your days with water activities exploring your remote island paradise. Grab snorkel gear and head out on a SUP to swim with sea turtles and colorful fish. Learn to use the wind to your advantage and kayak sail to coral destinations. Master the technique of line fishing from local Belizean guides and cook up your catch for dinner. Or, just kick it in a hammock with a good book as the wind rocks you gently. Oh, and you bet there will be dance parties as you learn Garifuna moves. 💃 #SHEnanigans

Private, Remote Island Glamping

So, what really makes these last five days special? Your home away from home on a remote, 13-acre island! These digs are Pinterest-worthy tent-walled cabanas with real beds, wooden floors, a porch, and that essential ocean view right outside your screened door. 👌 Go to sleep each night to the sound of the sea lapping the shore from your Cabana.

Wake up each day to views of the Caribbean and learn a new definition of paradise. Embrace the Belizean way of life devoid of chaos and spend your days on Ocean Time. This is not to say our days will be spent like a fly and flop vacation, tanning on the beach. Heck no! Your days will be filled with the perfect amount of activity and relaxation to give you the ultimate and authentic Caribbean Island experience off the coast of Belize.

Day 1: Arrival to Belize City, Belize

Welcome to Belize! Arrive anytime prior to 3pm today. You will be greeted at the airport and transported to our rendezvous staging hotel where you will be able to relax and freshen up before meeting the rest of your group at 4pm.

Your Explorer Chick Leader will go through an official orientation while you meet your group of gal pals for the next 8 days. We’ll then load up our van and drive 1.5 hours through the jungle to San Ignacio where we will check in to our eco-lodge for the night.

Accommodation: Eco-Lodge, San Ignacio

Meals: Welcome Dinner

Day 2: The Mysterious Mayans: Xunantunich Ruins and Private Cave Expedition

Wake up on the outskirts of the relaxed town of San Ignacio surrounded by rainforest. We’ll head to a private farmer’s estate and explore one of the most impeccably preserved Mayan caves. In 1989, the landowner accidentally stumbled upon this cave and to his astonishment discovered that it held 3,000 year old artifacts and ceremonial alters left beyhind by the Mayans. The landowner has graciously opened up his property for us to share in his discovery!

After exploring the cave, we will have a traditional Belizean picnic lunch overlooking the Macal Valley.

Our next adventure takes us across the Mopan River by a hand-cranked ferry to the archeological site of Xunantunich. Here, we travel back through centuries to the ancient world of kings, temples, plazas and ball courts of this Mayan city. Xunantunich was once home to over 200,000 people before it was deserted abruptly 1,000 years ago. Historians are still debating the reason why this massive city was abandoned.

Evening transfer to our Eco-Lodge in Bocawina National Park where we’ll stay for the next 2 nights.

Accommodation: Eco-Lodge, Bocawina National Park

Meals: B, L, D

Day 3: Zip-line and Rappel in Bocawina National Park

Wake up to the sounds of the rainforest and enjoy a delicious breakfast with ingredients sourced from local farmers. We’ve got a day full of adrenaline planned for you today!

We’ll lace up our hiking boots, shoulder our day packs, and head off into the jungle. Our naturalist guides will point out the local flora and fauna of the jungle as we leave our Eco-Lodge behind. We’ll begin ascending 1,000 feet to the top of a nearby waterfall. As we reach the top, we’ll enjoy views across the jungle all the way to the Caribbean Sea! From our highpoint, we’ll learn how to rappel safely. Over the course of 2 separate rappels, we’ll descend 250 feet next to the waterfall. Don’t worry, your Explorer Chick Leader will be poised in the perfect spot to snap your glamour shot from the side of a waterfall!

After rappelling, we’ll head back to our Eco-Lodge for a local lunch and get ready for our next adventure!

Soar across the jungle canopy on the longest zip-line in Belize! You’ll fly through the air on 9 different runs enjoying a bird’s eye view of the rainforest. Your longest zip will be over 2,300 feet! Speed through the air over 2.5 miles in Bocawina National park.

A well-deserved dinner awaits us back at our Eco-Lodge. Enjoy the nocturnal sounds of the jungle for one more night.

Accommodation: Eco-Lodge, Bocawina National Park

Meals: B, L, D

Day 4: Welcome to Glover’s Reef Marine Preserve!

Wake up to one more morning in the Belizean Rainforest. We’ll say goodbye to the luscious forested canopy and hello to our island paradise! To get to our Island Basecamp, we’ll first drive a short 30 minutes to a boat launch on the shores of the Caribbean Sea. After packing up everything we’ll need for our days on the island, we’ll hop into a boat and transfer 36 miles to Glover’s Reef Marine Preserve. Designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Glover’s Reef Marine Preserve hosts over 700 patch reefs and is considered one of the richest tropical marine environments in the Caribbean.

Our Basecamp is perfectly situated on the edge of a 13 acre island with epic sunrise and sunset views every day. We’ll enjoy our first lunch on the shores of Glover’s Reef as we settle in to our new home.

During the afternoon we’ll have a thorough orientation on off-grid living, open water safety, and head out to explore a nearby patch of coral!

Accommodation: Tent-walled Cabana

Meals: B, L, D

Day 5, 6, 7: Kayak, Snorkel, Fish, SUP and Relax from our Island Basecamp

During the next 3 days, your guides will plan each day according to water currents and wind patterns. You can expect to spend your days in and on the clear waters of the Caribbean. Each day will have a morning and afternoon activity separated by lunch on the island. You can expect to do all of the following during your days on your island paradise!

  • Snorkel and explore many of the 700 colorful coral patch reefs.
  • Paddle through the clear waters of the Caribbean with colorful marine life.
  • Learn to sail your own kayak.
  • SUP along the shorelines and through the nearby turquoise lagoons.
  • Grab a waterproof flashlight and snorkel at nighttime to gain a whole new experience in the Sea!
  • Learn to line fish from local Belizean guides and cook up your catch for dinner.
  • Learn the local Garifuna dance moves from your guides and cooks during evening dance parties.
  • Sit back and relax in one of the many hammocks on the edge of the Caribbean Sea.

Your home on the island is a comfortable tent-walled cabana with a raised wooden floor. Each cabana has two beds, a nightstand, kerosene lamp, and shared bathroom facilities. We’ll be glamping with basic, modern amenities in a tropical backcountry setting!

Optional SCUBA Diving – If you are SCUBA Certified and would like to dive while we are at our Island Basecamp, we can arrange this for you with one of our partners. One dive starts at $75. Please email to begin setting this up! Please note that you can not fly within 24 hours following your dive.

Accommodation: Tent-walled Cabana

Meals: B, L, D

Day 8: Transfer back to Belize City

All too soon, we’ll say goodbye to our Island Basecamp and hop into the boat taking us back to the Belize mainland. During our 1.5 hour boat ride across the Caribbean Sea, we’ll share our unforgettable memories and bad jokes from our island paradise. Upon reaching the mainland, we’ll board a 20 minute domestic flight that will take us back to the airport in Belize City. Plan to depart Belize City after 3:00pm

Meals: B, Packed Lunch

*Explorer Chick reserves the option to modify trip itineraries at the discretion of your tour director as necessary due to weather, conditions, illness, injury, group dynamics, availability, or other unforeseen incidents.

  • 3 nights in a rainforest eco-lodge on Belize mainland. Shared – 2 per room.
    • En-suite bathrooms in each room, limited Wi-Fi.
    • Completely off the grid and powered solely by eco-friendy Hydroelectric station and solar.
  • 4 nights in an ocean-view, tent-walled Cabana on Glover’s Reef. Shared – 2 per Cabana
    • The Island Basecamp is off-grid powered by solar. YAY! There will be generated power for a few hours each evening to charge your camera battery. If you are traveling with a CPAP machine, we can provide you with a portable generator each night.
    • Gear Included: Kayak, SUP, snorkel, mask, fins, all necessary water safety equipment.
    • Community spaces include: hammocks, open air dining area, and library featuring books on Belize.
    • Shared compost toilets and freshwater showers.
    • Alcohol is not available for purchase, but you will have the opportunity to purchase provisions prior to our arrival.
  • Learn to sail your kayak through the turquoise lagoon off the shore of our Island Basecamp.
  • Rappel with instruction 250 feet from Antelope Falls with all necessary safety equipment included.
  • Zip-line through Belizean rainforest with all necessary safety equipment included.
  • Learn to line fish in the Caribbean and cook up your catch for dinner!
  • Privately guided group tour of Xunantunich with plenty of time to explore the ancient city on your own.
  • Private and intimate tour of an immaculately preserved cave featuring Mayan artifacts.
  • Round trip boat taxi from Dangriga to our Island Basecamp.
  • Domestic flight from Dangriga to Belize on Day 8.
  • All meals as indicated in itinerary: B-7, L-7, D-7.
  • Private Explorer Chick land-transportation throughout itinerary including airport transfers.
  • A commemorative Explorer Chick shirt.
  • All tips for included meals and local guides.
  • A detailed Travel Guide upon booking with everything you need to know for your trip.
  • The freedom to enjoy your vacation and mindlessly wander!
  • Local English speaking guide(s) throughout the full itinerary who are skilled naturalists and marine biologists.
  • One experienced Explorer Chick Leader ensuring your trip is seamless and unforgettable!
  • Small Group experience! Your Explorer Chick Adventure is exclusive and limited to 14 women.

*Packages do NOT include your round-trip airfare, rendezvous hotel stays, alcoholic beverages, Explorer Chick Leader tips, or costs for additional activities.

*Does NOT include your Explorer Chick Guide’s Tips – Tipping your Explorer Chick Guide is optional, but customary. If you wish to recognize your Explorer Chick Guide for exceptional service, we recommend you tip them 10-25% of your trip costs.

*A passport that is valid for at least 6 months past your arrival date is required.

*Explorer Chick reserves the option to modify trip itineraries at the discretion of your tour director as necessary due to weather, conditions, illness, injury, group dynamics, or other unforeseen incidents.

You will receive a travel guide attached to your booking confirmation with all the information you’ll need to prepare for your epic trip.

Your trip begins and ends in Belize City, Belize (BZE).

Day 1: Arrival Day. Fly in to Belize City anytime prior to 3pm. You will be greeted at the airport and transported to our rendezvous staging hotel where you will be able to relax and freshen up before meeting the rest of your group at 4pm.

Note: You will have the option to book an additional night at our Rendezvous hotel for the night prior to our Day 1 Rendezvous at time of booking.

Day 8: Departure Day. We’ll pack our bags and say goodbye to our remote island paradise in the Caribbean. We’ll hop in our boat and transfer 36 miles back to the Belize mainland. We’ll then take a domestic flight from Dangriga back to Belize City where we’ll say goodbye to our new group of life-long friends. Do not book a same day flight departure before 3:00pm

Note: You will have the option to book an additional night at our Rendezvous hotel for the night of Day 8 at time of booking.

We require a minimum of 4 Explorer Chicks for this trip. Please confirm your trip is guaranteed before booking your airfare.

Your tropical adventure in Belize will be a mix of fun multi-sport activities with plenty of time to challenge yourself further or sit back in a hammock with a good book. During our time at the Island Basecamp, our mode of transportation will be a kayak or SUP. Train your upper body and you will be rewarded you with more reef patches than you can imagine! During our time on the mainland, each day will be filled with activity. Expect to spend the majority of the day on your feet hiking and rappelling waterfalls, exploring Xunantunich on foot, zip lining, and scrambling through a cave. Although we rate this trip as easy-to-moderate, each day will be spent doing a fun, new activity! We highly recommend training prior to your trip in all conditions to arrive with a base level of fitness. Train how you play!

Please consider your ability to meet the physical demands very seriously. It is for the safety of both you and our group. All Explorer Chicks will be required to sign an Acknowledgement of Physical Demands as part of their waiver upon booking.

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2022: $3,799

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Non-Refundable Deposit: $300 due at booking to secure your spot

Payment Plans Available: Email after booking to set up your monthly payment plan.

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