What’s in a Name?

Explorer Chick Logo Adventure Travel for Women

I’ve always believed that whatever you are when you are young, as you age, you become more so. – Evelyn Lauder

Explorer Chick. The name of our company, but also an identity. To embark on an Explorer Chick adventure is to join a community. To become a member of an exclusive society whose members dare to go beyond their comfort zones and venture out into the world.

This is the reason why I chose the name, Explorer Chick. There was purpose in the choice of a noun for the essence of the company. I wanted to create a community. Having raced OCR for 3 years, I felt the impact and benefited from the support of communities. A group of people with shared interests who is there for knowledge, support, and encouragement.

When women partake in an Explorer Chick adventure travel trip they will feel as though they are part of a team, a family. And not just for the duration of the trip, but beyond. It is my intention that these Adventures lead to bonds and friendships between perfect strangers that last a lifetime.

So, who is an Explorer Chick? She’s a mother, a daughter, a sister, a singleton, a divorcee, a widower, a wife, a student. She is some of these or one of these, but she is a woman. A woman who demands the most from life. She does not sit by idly as life’s events unfold around her. No. She is the catalyst, the instigator. She is the one who wants to take the first leap, waiting the extra time to sit front seat of the roller coaster.

For her precious time away from her routine life, she seeks adventure. She desires to explore the unknown. The unknown being a new experience or a new connection with a stranger or even a deeper bond within herself. Is she scared? Yes, but don’t mistake this for weakness. The idea of regret scares her even more. Lying on her death bed muttering “What if” is her biggest fear and trumps the thought of actual death.

Because of this, she summons the courage to approach life with open arms wanting to embrace every facet that it has to offer.  “Yes” is the answer to any opportunity presented to her. Even if she knows it may not end well, she knows the experience will be profound and invaluable in her trek of life. Whatever her fancy, she does it alone or in company. Regardless, she goes after it. She leans in.

Happy Exploring!


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