Best of Yellowstone Tour + Grand Teton Hiking

Hiking, National Parks, Wildlife
10 Explorer Chicks
7 Days


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Explore the mountains, wildlife, thermals, hot springs and geysers of Wyoming on our 7-day Best of Yellowstone Tour and Grand Teton Hiking adventure! Cue the goosebumps as the SHE-nanigan Shuttle passes below the Roosevelt Arch inscription: For the benefit of the people. Preach, Teddy! 

Epic Yellowstone Tour, Explorer Chick Style

Welcome to the world’s first-ever national park, where you’ll go deeper than a highlight tour to see all of Yellowstone’s goodies. 

Beginning north, nerd out over the world’s great collection of hot springs with funky travertine terraces. Spider-monkey to the top of Bunsen Peak and clamber down to one of Yellowstone’s two suspension bridges. There’s even a two-hour horseback ride to a classic Dutch oven dinner.

Lamar Valley

Blow up your photo roll tracking Lamar Valley wildlife on and off trail as the sun comes up. Our local wilderness guide leads the way as we break out the scopes searching for wolves, grizzly bears, bison, pronghorn, badgers, bald eagles, osprey, deer, and coyotes—who knows what we might see?

Geysers, Thermals, and Hot Springs—Oh My!

Gaze into the Grand Canyon in search of rainbows from Artist’s Point in the South Rim. Spend an entire day chasing enough geysers, thermals, and hot springs to last a lifetime. Catch Old Faithful being a total diva. Rise above the tourists for an osprey’s view of Grand Prismatic Spring. Scramble up talus slopes to the top of Avalanche peak for views of the Grand Tetons 50 miles away. Soak and soothe sore muscles in hot spring fed rivers.

Grand Teton National Park Hiking

Enter Grand Teton National Park for a favorite hike up Cascade Canyon, where you’re surrounded by towering mountains. Then wash it all off with a brisk swim in a cold mountain lake.

Best of Yellowstone Tour Accommodations

You’ll get plenty of chill time in our quiet mountain lodge (first three nights) on the banks of Yellowstone River in Gardiner, followed by a Yellowstone National Park hotel (next two nights). End your girls’ trip in a hotel nestled in the heart of Jackson with plenty of time to shop and throwback shots. 

Day 1: Welcome to Yellowstone and Mammoth Hot Springs 

Be sure to eat a gluttonous breakfast before meeting your group at 8:00am at our Rendezvous Hotel in Bozeman, MT. You’ll be greeted by your Explorer Chick Guides with an official orientation to follow. We’ll then hop into our Explorer Chick SHE-nanigan Shuttle for a 2 hour transfer to Yellowstone National Park. 

First stop on our Yellowstone tour: MAMMOTH HOT SPRINGS, BABY. A boardwalk curves along the travertine terraces giving you a VIP view of nearly 50 hot springs. 

Next up: A dip in Boiling River where it crosses Gardiner River, creating the perfect hot spring soaking bubble. The afternoon continues as we saddle up for a 2 hour scenic horseback ride to feast on a Dutch  Oven dinner. 

Day 1 is finito with full bellies and unpacking at our Explorer Chick mountain lodge – our home for the next 3 days. This hella charming oasis in Gardiner sits on the Yellowstone River with a grassy backyard  bonfire pit, mountain views, and solitude from the park crowds. 

Distance: 3 miles 

Transfer Time: 2 hours 

Accommodation: Explorer Chick House (Night 1 of 3) 

Meals: L, D 


Day 2: Wildlife in Lamar Valley and Hell Roaring Creek Hike 

Rise before the sun to hop into the SHE-nanigan Shuttle. We’ll give you nine reasons why: wolves, grizzly bears, bison, pronghorn, badgers, bald eagles, osprey, deer, and coyotes! 

For day two of our Yellowstone tour, you’ll meet our local wildlife guide in “America’s Serengeti,” Lamar Valley. Trek on and off trail plus peer through scopes to search expansive meadows for the Valley’s resident wildlife. Extra credit points for Steve Irwin impressions. 

By afternoon, we’ll head over to the Roosevelt area to hike down the Yellowstone River Suspension Bridge. We can end our hike looking down at the raging river OR hike on another mile to nosh at the confluence of Yellowstone and Hell Roaring Creek. 

Distance: Wildlife tour – 2 miles, Hell Roaring Creek – 4 miles/626ʹ gain 

Lamar Valley Transfer Time: 1:15 hour 

Accommodation: Explorer Chick House (Night 2 of 3) 

Meals: B, L, D


Day 3: Grand Canyon, Norris Geyser, and Bunsen Peak 

Going to Yellowstone without standing over the Grand Canyon is like going to Target without wandering the decor section. A good chunk of the morning will be spent chasing stunning overlooks along the South Rim. We’ll hike Clear Lake Loop to hit the best view points and stretch our gams on what might be Yellowstone’s greatest hike. 

After lunch we’ll explore Norris Geyser Basin – home to the area’s hottest and most volatile thermal. 

We’ll close out the day in Yellowstone with a hike up Bunsen Peak to take in 360-degree views over the Valley, Mammoth Hot Springs, and Gardiner Range. 

Distance: Grand Canyon – 3.9 miles/423ʹ gain, Bunsen Peak- 4.4 miles/1,282ʹ gain Grand Canyon Transfer Time: 1:15 hour 

Accommodation: Explorer Chick House (Night 3 of 3) 

Meals: B, L, D 


Day 4: Old Faithful, Grand Prismatic, and Firehole River 

GEYSERS + THERMALS ALL DAY LONG. Our first stop for day four on our tour is the Upper Basin, home to around half of geysers in the world. This includes the Grand Daddy of all geysers, Old Faithful. We’ll take the time to explore all of  the Upper Basin walking its entire length, point to point, with our SHE-nanigan Shuttle waiting at the end  to take us to our next stop, The Middle Basin. 

The Middle Basin boasts the iconic Grand Prismatic Spring – the largest hot spring in the park and 3rd in the world. We’ll grab a bird’s eye view hiking up the Fairy Falls trail. 

Our afternoon ends with a swim in Firehole River. Jump straight into the rapids and float through a canyon in this amazeballs hot spring-fed river. 

Distance: Roughly 6.8 miles and relatively flat 

Old Faithful Transfer Time: 2 hours 

Accommodation: Yellowstone Park Lodging (Night 1 of 2) 

Meals: B, L, D


Day 5: Avalanche Peak and Yellowstone Lake 

It’s an intense hike to the top of Avalanche Peak through pine forest, past wildflower meadows, and up talus slopes to reach the 360-degree views at 10,568ʹ. Welcome to total badass status. If it’s a clear day, you’ll be rewarded with a dazzling view of the Tetons, 50 miles South. 

Lay low throughout the afternoon as we explore Yellowstone Lake and dig into a tasty waterfront lunch. Enjoy plenty of free time later into the evening to revisit favorite spots, splurge on souvenirs, or find a  quiet spot for a snooze. 

Distance: 4.6 miles RT/2,000ʹ gain 

Accommodation: Yellowstone Park Lodging (Night 2 of 2) 

Meals: B, L, D 


Day 6: Grand Teton National Park 

Smell ya later, Yellowstone! Enjoy a gorgeous hike into Grand Teton via Cascade Canyon. Breeze past Inspiration Point with views of Jenny Lake and Hidden Falls. The canyon itself is a classic example of  glacier-formed U-shaped valleys. 

After, we’ll pop over to String Lake to swim in its shallow waters beneath towering  mountains. Hello, back float selfies!  

We’ll then hop back into the SHE-nanigan Shuttle to make our way to Jackson, but not without a stop at Mormon Row to snag that Insta-famous photo with the barn and all the Glamour Shots. 

Our last supper will be in town at a favorite Jackson eatery. If you’re feeling up for it, saunter over to the Million Dollar Cowboy to literally saddle up to the bar for a cold one. 

Distance: 9.6 miles/1,110ʹ gain 

Grand Teton Transfer Time: 1:45-2:30 hours 

Accommodation: Jackson Downtown Hotel (Night 1 of 1) 

Meals: B, L, D


Day 7: Jackson Hole and Ugly Cries  

Enjoy one last breakfast together before spending a few hours exploring the town of Jackson. On Saturdays in the summer, the town park is transformed into a Farmer’s Market with plenty of locally made goodies. 

We’ll then board the SHE-nanigan Shuttle for our farewell drive to where it all started: Bozeman, MT. Be sure (*whimper) to plan evening flight departures (*single tear) after 7pm (*SOB).


*Explorer Chick reserves the option to modify trip itineraries at the discretion of your adventure leader as necessary due to weather, conditions, illness, injury, group dynamics, safety, or other unforeseen incidents. If an activity must be cancelled due to conditions and cannot be rescheduled, your Explorer Chick guide will work to find alternatives or modifications to ensure the best value for your trip.

  • 7 days/6 nights in shared occupancy accommodations
    • 3 Nights in our quiet lodge on the banks of the Yellowstone River in Gardiner. Every night stare up at the stars next to the campfire in our large backyard. (Shared 1-2 per room)
    • 2 Nights in a Yellowstone National Park hotel. (Shared 2 per room)
    • 1 Night in a downtown Jackson Hotel (Shared 2 per room)
  • All National Park Entrance and commercial permit fees
  • All meals as indicated in itinerary: B-6, L-7, D-6
  • Private Explorer Chick land-transportation throughout itinerary
  • A commemorative Explorer Chick shirt and swag.
  • A detailed Travel Guide upon booking with everything you need to know for your trip.
  • The freedom to enjoy your vacation and mindlessly wander!
  • 2 experienced Explorer Chick Guides ensuring your trip is seamless and unforgettable!
  • Small Group experience! Your Explorer Chick Adventure is exclusive and limited to 10 women.

*Packages do NOT include your rendezvous hotel, departure hotel, airfare, airport transportation, alcoholic beverages, travel insurance, meals exclusive of itinerary, or costs for additional activities.  

*Does NOT include your Explorer Chick Guide’s Tips – Tipping your Explorer Chick Guides is optional, but customary. If you wish to recognize your Explorer Chick Guides for exceptional service we recommend you tip total 10-25% of your trip costs. Gratuity may be given to one guide—the team divides tips among themselves after the trip.

*Per park regulations, Grand Teton National Park does not allow commercial guided hiking within the park boundaries. All Grand Teton hikes will be self-guided with your Explorer Chick guides providing a detailed briefing and all road-based services.

*To ride horseback, you must be under 240lbs.

You will receive a Travel Guide with all the hotel and additional information you’ll need to prepare for your epic trip! 

Your adventure begins and ends in Bozeman, MT. 

Day 1: Arrival. We will rendezvous as a group at 8:00am on Day 1. It is highly recommended to arrive the day before. You are responsible for booking your arrival hotel and airport transportation.

Day 8: Departure. Plan to fly out of Bozeman, MT on Day 7 after 7pm. It is recommended to fly out the following day in case there are road delays or issues on the trail. You are responsible for booking your departure hotel and airport transportation.   

We require a minimum of 4 Explorer Chicks for this trip. Please confirm your trip is guaranteed before booking airfare. 

Daily Hikes:

During your Best of Yellowstone Tour and Grand Teton Hiking adventure, you will hike some of the best trails in the National Parks. The itinerary is packed full of hiking every single day. You can expect to be on your feet for most of the day to squeeze in as much of the park as possible.

You should be comfortable with hiking up to 10 miles in a day carrying a light day pack with elevations gains up to 2,000 feet.

Notable Hikes: 

  • Hell Roaring Creek: 4 miles/626′ gain
  • Grand Canyon Clear Lake Loop: 3.9 miles
  • Mt. Bunsen: 4.4 miles/1,282′ gain
  • Avalanche Peak: 4.6 miles/2,000′ gain
  • Cascade Canyon: 9.6 miles/1,110 gain

This does not include many of our smaller stops, such as the Upper Basin, where we’ll be doing shorter hikes and walks on the countless boardwalks.

We highly recommend training prior to your adventure. The itinerary is packed full of hiking. You should be comfortable with hiking up to 10 miles in a day carrying a light day pack with elevations gains up to 2,000 feet.

You should be training on rough and rugged terrain – not perfectly paved sidewalks. Also, find steps, a hill, or the StairMaster and get to climbing! Your quads, booty, and calves will thank you.

Train your tootsies! Do not show up with brand new hiking boots or trail shoes. You should be spending hours upon hours in your boots leading up to your adventure to break them in. Better to suffer blisters at home than to miss out on a hike due painful hot spots on your feet. This is our number one injury. Don’t let it happen to you!

Explorer Chick prides itself in curating trips for women who live an active, healthy lifestyle. What this means is we tackle the big climbs, the long trails, the bucket lists, and the uncomfortable. To get the most from your adventure we recommend having a solid fitness base with training on trails in a variety of weather conditions and hill/stair climbing. Train how you play!

Please consider your ability to meet the physical demands very seriously. It is for the safety of both you and our group. All Explorer Chicks will be required to sign an Acknowledgement of Physical Demands as part of their waiver upon booking.

Learn More with Explorer Chick

How to Train for Hiking and Backpacking Trips

The 10 Essential Items to Pack for Every Hike

What’s the Best Time to Visit Yellowstone National Park?

8 Top Things To Do In Yellowstone National Park

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