Hey There 2020!

Happy New Year Explorer Chicks!

I know, I know, I am a week late. BUT, we shut down our virtual office between Christmas and New Years to spend time with our friends, family, and Mama Nature.

And trust me, none of us took our time off to lounge around on our couches stuffing our bellies with Christmas cookies (Okay, yes, we did do that too!). But, we got out there!

I thought for our first post of 2020, I’d share what some of our Dream Team was up to over the holidays!

And, if you got out there, and share with me! I love to hear what you all are doing!

Cheers to boundless Adventures in the Outdoors!

Nicki Bruckmann
Founder, Explorer Chick


“My sister and I got after “it” hiking around the Valley! This is us feeling all the spooky vibes of the Superstition Mountains. They haunted as hell. Afterwards, we got stupid on pizza and champagne. Cheers!” – Explorer Chick Guide Katie


“Took my son to Laurel Falls on Christmas Day… his first introduction to the Smokies, and his first time in a national park! He hiked most of it and kept saying “I love the woods”! Makes my adventurous mommy heart happy!” – Explorer Chick Guide Lynsey


“We had 2 bouts of the stomach bug over the holidays go through the house 😷 so sadly much of the time was spent in my basement doing laundry. BUT, we took 2 family hikes on Christmas Day (when it was 60, sunny, with a bit of snow left on the ground) and on New Year’s Day.” – Explorer Chick Operations Guru Amy


“I spent a few days over the holidays rock climbing in El Potrero Chico, Mexico with good friends! Lots of smiles, tacos, and of course margaritas!” – Explorer Chick Guide Becca


“I got in some serious day hiking and fossil hunting at my favorite local stomping grounds – the Red River Gorge with my kiddo and main squeeze.” – Explorer Chick Erin


As for me, I pushed through boundaries and tears on a frozen waterfall ice climbing for a few days in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.

On one route, I was freezing, nauseous (I think I had eaten some bad blackberries), every muscle hurt, and I was super tired. I wanted to cry. I was literally holding back tears with my head hung low. I wanted to give up. I hit my limit. And I could give up and be lowered to the ground. No big deal.

I hung on the rope and had a long conversation with myself. I repeated out loud, “Easy doesn’t change you” like 7 times. I breathed. I accepted that is was going to suck. Then I climbed on – grunting and practically in tears the entire way.

Once to the top, my friend said I looked like a pro coming up the last vertical. He had no idea of the mental battle that had ensued and that I was so grateful to be at the anchor.

On the hike out I thought about why I wanted to cry on that route. I wasn’t scared. I was just at my limit – physically, mentally. But, I BROKE THROUGH IT! That’s powerful.

I now know I can break through my limits. That it is in my head. My body can do it, if I just get out of my way. That route taught me to welcome those tears next time. Let them fall, but don’t let them stop me. On the other is a stronger version of myself. And that’s what I’m really after out there.

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