Leah Wzientek

Leah Wzientek is the Digital Marketing Associate with Explorer Chick who loves over saturating in natural hot springs, putting sombreros on saguaros, and munching Cheetos on the trail.  She has a degree in Civil Engineering from the University at Buffalo, but she retired from a short engineering career to chase the great outdoors professionally.

After living out of her car while traveling for 2 years – hiking, biking, climbing, and exploring the National Parks of the US and Canada, she settled in Reno, NV. It was here where she helped manage a climbing gym in Reno, NV for 5 years and now owns a used gear shop with her husband. Leah is a certified Climbing Wall Instructor and loves getting new folks to fall in love with the outdoors and bushwhacking to trailless desert peaks. Wind is her least favorite weather type, she prefers paper maps over apps and uses coffee to hydrate. Leah’s newest passion is finding ways to incorporate her toddler into a lifestyle of the outdoors and living that adventure mom life.

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