Recap: Virginia Hiking and Survival 101 June 2019

Explorer Chick Guide Becca was our gal in the field, and here is her shake down:

“The Explorer Chicks officially stepped foot on the Appalachian Trail hiking to the most scenic viewpoints in Virginia! These women hiked over 24 miles in 4 days while learning how to THRIVE in a wilderness survival scenario! Shelters were made and fires blazed from wet wood while learning the basics of wilderness first aid, eating wood roaches, and finding other tasty things in the woods to munch on.”

Keep on scrolling to read more directly from our Explorer Chicks who joined Becca last weekend.

We have one more Virginia Hiking and Survival 101 adventure for this October 10-13 (Hello Fall Colors!). It’s 4 days of hiking along the Appalachian Trail, learning Wilderness survival basics in an outdoor classroom, and ending each night in our cozy mountain lodge. (Yes, real beds! Sleeping outside on Pine Needles is optional! 🤣).

“A women’s only trip to learn wilderness survival so I can have the confidence to take my son backpacking was ABSOLUTELY. AMAZING. A group of women with different backgrounds coming together, encouraging one another, and learning from each other was a memorable experience and an example of how we should be in our every day lives. Already figuring out when I can book my next trip with Explorer Chick Adventure Co.!” – Explorer Chick Angela

“Proof for bragging rights! Eating wood roaches! 😋 Started off small…and this is one of the big ones!” – Explorer Chick Michele

“Catawba, VA with Explorer Chicks Adventure slaying the Dragon’s Tooth. Awesome and kickass! My first experience being on the Appalachian Trail!” – Explorer Chick Sue

“Hiking to McAfee Knob for sunset dinner on the summit. One word: exhilarating!
Views were absolutely breathtaking! Lots of SHEnanagins at the summit! 🤣With a rave party on the way down!” – Explorer Chick Michele



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