Explorer Chicks are ALL IN 🤘

Let me just tell you, it has been an insanely exciting past few weeks here at Explorer Chick World Headquarters.

Every weekend I have been glued to my Instagram feed so I can follow along with our Explorer Chicks and Guides in the field on Minis and Trips. Then after the adventures, my inbox blows up with feedback and love from our Explorer Chicks. Meanwhile, our Guides are sending me trip reports, In Her Words content, pictures, and short quips, and summaries about their time in the field with our bold groups of women. It blows me away. And I sit there and mutter to myself, “I love our company.”

We attract a certain kind of female traveler and when we all get together, magic happens. But to make this magic happen. You have to BE ALL IN! Talk to strangers, say yes to the things that scare you, practice spontaneity, let go of that woman you left behind at home.

The Explorer Chick Dream Team and I provide the supportive community, the challenging itineraries, the uncommon experiences, and SHE-nanigans. But it’s up to you to make the decision to BE ALL IN.

And, you all are crushing it. I have never been so excited about this company, what we are doing, the community we are building, the boundaries we are tearing down, and the lives we are transforming than right now.

And it’s you! You all are writing our story and cultivating a culture of love, support, and SHE-naningans. What sets us apart from every other travel company out there is YOU. Explorer Chicks are a special breed of woman: You show up willing to be ALL IN with us. THANK YOU!

So what have we been up to that has me feeling all the gushy feels? 💚

Explorer Chick Guides Jaimie and Katie led back-to-back Smoky Mountain Hiking and Glamping Weekends. Explorer Chick Guide Lauren led a Red River Gorge Backpacking Workshop. She with the help of our Mini Mastermind Mandi, ran the Indiana Camp Out last weekend. We released our Brand New Ultimate Jordan Adventure with 3 dates in 2020. We have several expiring Travel deals. And the Explorer Chicks kick off their Inca Trail Trek with Explorer Chick Guide Becca today.

So, yeah, we’ve been busy. Instead of me trying to tell you about how awesome it all was, I’m going to let our Explorer Chicks tell you In Her Words below.

Cheers to Boundless Adventures!

Nicki Bruckmann
Explorer Chick, Founder

“Grateful for the opportunity to push my own limits. Grateful to Lauren for cheering me every step of the way up a fucking rock scramble with a smile on her face, while i told her how much I hated her. Grateful for this pack of weirdos for making me laugh so hard my abs hurt more than my legs do. Grateful for this fuuuucking VIEW!!!!”
-Explorer Chick Sarah
Red River Gorge Backpacking Workshop


“What. A. Trip. Got to spend the weekend in Nashville IN with my best friends and a few strangers who became friends. We had so much fun exploring Brown County and I finally got to Zip Line for the first time! I will for sure be looking for another opportunity to join Explorer Chick Adventure Co. for another adventure. Thank you for a fabulous time!”
– Explorer Chick Heather
Indiana Camp Out


“The thing that I love most about Explorer Chick is that we may all come from different walks of life, but each trip that I have been on..we all come together to form this deep connection. There’s an energy that’s amazing and undeniable on EC adventures.”
– Explorer Chick LouAnn
Smoky Mountain Hiking and Glamping


“I keep coming back to Explorer Chick trips/adventures not only because they are so much fun…but because of the friendships and memories.”
– Explorer Chick Katie K
Smoky Mountain Hiking and Glamping


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