3 Reasons NOT to Adventure in Banff

You might have already heard, but Explorer Chick travels to Banff National Park for 6 days of hiking adventures. In addition to all of the iconic tourist spots – here’s looking at you, Lake Louise – we’ll be going off the grid to hike across glaciers in the backcountry.

Does this trip sound too good to be true? We think so! And you’re probably scrambling to think of an excuse to NOT sign up right now.

Lucky for you, we’ve taken care of everything including 3 excuses for why you should NOT book your Banff Hut to Hut Hiking Adventure.

Just keep reading to find your reason to say, “No thanks!” to joining our bold group of adventurous women hiking in Banff and the Canadian Rockies.


1. You Hate Picture-Perfect Mountain Views.

You love to see glacier-fed lakes, huge waterfalls, and luscious green valleys, but from the comfort of the indoors on your phone screen.

Explorer Chick Bucket List itineraries are not for everyone.

You’re totally into Liking all of those glamour shots in front of turquoise waters surrounded by snow-capped, rugged mountains on Instagram. Hiking to Lake Moraine yourself is just too much of a hassle.

That’s ok! We get it! (That’s a lie. We really don’t, but we support your decision).

Explorer Chick Bucket List itineraries are not for everyone. We curate challenging, exciting, off-the-beaten-path tours for adventurous women. This women’s adventurous retreat is no exception. Your trip includes some of the best hiking Banff has to offer. If gorgeous rocky mountain views in Canada make you groan, then no need to keep reading. You have your excuse to not book!


You will step off the paved path to explore places most visitors to Banff never see.


2. You Love Cookie Cutter Trips with Huge Groups.

You love the exercise you get climbing off and on giant motor coach buses as you stop periodically at one paved look-out to the next in Banff National Park. Score! Another mountain view framed by your bus window!

And, we already know. After a full day of being herded like cattle, you are hungry! You love being abruptly left on your own to wander around town looking for a dinner spot hoping you select the best option. “Table for one, please.”

This is definitely a far cry from dining at local restaurants in a quaint mountain town with a small group of raucous and rowdy women. We even go as far as including your dinners and selecting where we eat. The horror!

As far as that pesky itinerary, it is 100% unique to Explorer Chick. You will step off the paved path to explore places most visitors to Banff never see. You will hike high into the Canadian Rockies where selfie stick toting tourists do not crowd the trails.

What we’re saying is this trip is like nothing else you’ll find offered by any other adventure travel company. Plus, your vacation is a small group experience. With only 12 other women, friendships happen fast and the bonds grow strong.

Just remember, you LOVE a tour where you can see the mountains with 40 other tourists crammed in a motor coach bus. This trip is 100% not for you. Do not travel with Explorer Chick!


3. You Must be 100% Connected at all times.

Ok, this one is a little bit more serious. If our other two excuses failed you, we got you on this one! #foolproof

On this trip, you’ll spend 3 days entirely off the grid, deep in the backcountry hiking hut to hut across glaciers. There will be no electricity, no phone service and no internet. We know. It’s a deal breaker. You cannot live without your phone. You must be accessible 17 different ways at all hours of the day. The beeps and buzz of your phone brings calm to your hectic life style.

And what good is the outdoors if you can’t instantly upload it to your Instagram Story?

The expanse of stars you can only experience in the remote backcountry or the fresh mountain air breathed in with closed eyes is worthless if you can’t live stream it all. The feeling of invincibility that comes from the new, challenging experience of hiking across a glacier with an ice ax and crampons holds no value in your world if you cannot immediately upload the #proof.

Obviously, the unobstructed views you’ll see hiking high above the tree line to your rustic lodging with a slower pace of life is not for you. The opportunity to put years of training in the gym to the test while learning a new skill trekking across the ice is probably best left to someone else.


Did any these excuses work for you?


Yeah, that’s what we thought. We’ll see you in Banff.



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