Kicks off February 20! 

We’re always being asked, “How do I train? Am I fit enough?” Burpees, lunges, bicep curls, OH MY!? Knowing where to begin your pre-trip training isn’t always clear.

So together with EC Certified Trainer Ulrike, we’ve developed two 8 Week Fitness Challenges specifically programmed to get you fit – Explorer Chick Fit!

  1. The Couch to Trailhead 8 Week Challenge – Beginner Level
  2. The Trailhead to Summit 8 Week Challenge – Intermediate Level

What do you mean by Explorer Chick Fit?

The Goal for the program is NOT to look hot in a bikini or lose a crap ton of weight.  Zero focus on what you LOOK like, but instead gradually building strength week by week so you can challenge yourself on your next adventure with CONFIDENCE

Every Sunday, you’ll receive the week’s program with 4 different workouts that includes outdoor Hiking Homework. Each week’s workouts are different and designed with progress in mind to build you up week by week. That’s a total of 32 downloadable workouts in PDF Form. (Whose trying to decide which color of binder to get?)

The Highlight Reel

  • 8 Weeks of Fitness progressive programming focused on building week by week
  • 4 New Workouts each week including outdoor hiking homework
  • 1 Weekly Live Zoom Workout with recording
  • Video link to every move included in the program
  • Private Facebook Group with weekly Wellness Topics
  • Access to ask all of your questions in Weekly Facebook Group Lives sessions
  • Weekly Journal prompts
  • Strength focused – not appearance focused
  • Programed by Explorer Chick Certified Trainer and outdoors lover, Ulrike Rosser


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