Backpacking Trips

Women’s Guided Backpacking Trips

Seasoned backpacker? Complete noob? Either way, you’re in luck! We’ve got your dreams of getting dirty and rocking an overnight backpacking trip covered. Adventure into the great outdoors with a group of badass backpacking ladies who you’ll consider best friends by the time you return to the trailhead.

What can we say? That’s just what happens when wild women adventure together. Whether it’s your first backpacking trip or you’re a seasoned hiker, hiking yourself to a backcountry campsite, trips with Explorer Chick are for anyone stoked on adventure!

Look, we don’t care if your pedicure is chipped or you count dry shampoo and a second layer of deodorant as “showering”-just come play with us!

Your Explorer Chick Dream Team provides expert-led guided backpacking trips with some of the best female outdoor guides in the business. Sure, we take care of those pesky travel details like entrance fees, backpacking gear, meals, and lodging. But that bonding that happens around the campfire at night? The friendships forged while toughing it out on the trail? Those famous Explorer Chick SHE-nanigans? All we can say is once you travel with us, you get it.

Best Backpacking Trips for Women

We’ve lined up incredible guided backpacking trips all over North America including National Parks in both the US and Canada. From beginner-friendly workshops to uncommon adventures you never even knew existed, we’ve got it all.

Plus, adventures in the outdoors are way more fun with like-minded women, and Explorer Chick is here to take all the stress out of amazing trips, allowing you to fully enjoy every step of the adventure!

Grand Canyon Backpacking Weekend

Get ready to carry it all as you backpack into the depths of Grand Canyon National Park and soak up the desert sun over multiple days of totally epic hiking. We’ll provide everything from backpacks to trekking poles, just be prepared for the hike of a lifetime!

The rugged Tonto Trail will be your home on your backpacking adventure covering some serious elevation gain and putting in mile after mile along the beautiful Colorado River. Swap stories over dinner with your newfound pals and be awestruck by the brilliance of millions of stars above you. This guided backpacking trip is the ultimate backcountry camping experience, and one of those trips you’ll be SO thankful you took.

This was my first Explorer Chick adventure, and it did not disappoint! We had the most amazing guide, Kirstie! Everything was methodically planned and she kept us entertained and engaged! I spent 4 days, 3 nights and 30 “Grand Canyon” miles (that is what we started calling them) with 5 amazing women! We talked, laughed, shared stories, and worked our asses off hiking the Canyon! The 4 days challenged me both physically and mentally and is an experience I will never forget. It was a much needed escape from the bustle of everyday life. – Explorer Chick April Prill

Book Your Grand Canyon Backpacking Trip

Yosemite National Park Backpacking and Half Dome Hike

Climb the cables of Half Dome and explore Yosemite Valley on our backpacking tour of Yosemite National Park! Check off a major bucket list item for most hikers with a band of badass babes cheering you on.

Explorer Chick provides the gear for all your backpacking needs as you venture into the backcountry wilderness area and hike to incredible mountain views of the Sierra. Set up camp with the crew and feast on delicious meals with your fellow campers. We’re not completing any thru hikes here like the epic Pacific Crest Trail, but we still know how to have a good time! Explorer Chick trip reports never have any shortage of SHE-nanegins.

This adventure gave me more than I could ever imagine. Strength, courage, friendship, respect, empathy and more laughs than I can count. These women bring a whole new meaning to love and risk-taking, and I could not be more proud of them all. – Explorer Chick Rose

Book Your Yosemite Backpacking Trip

Banff Canada Hiking Adventure

Load up your backpacks and trek hut-to-hut across ice fields in the backcountry of the Canadian Rockies on this EPIC Explorer Chick hiking trip! Experience world class hiking in Canada’s Banff National Park and Yoho National Park on this wild adventure.

You and your new travel buddies will marvel at every glacier-fed alpine lake with a backdrop of mountain layers for miles. For the first 3 days of this 6-day trip, you’ll enjoy incredible day hike views and cozy nights in the town of Banff. The last 3 days, you’ll pack up and brave the trail with your buddies and backpack into the Canadian wilderness. The 3-day hut-to-hut adventure will take you across canyons, glaciers, and mountain peaks to stay in adorable alpine accommodations around 8,000 feet above sea level!

Yesterday I saw the sunrise on a glacier. After 5 straight days of hiking with the most amazing women and Explorer Chick, we woke up in our little hut in the middle of nowhere on a glacier to end our epic journey. We were up at 4am, strapped on our gear, and set off… straight up a glacier- in the dark, in the rain. Two chewed up feet, two very janky knees and one incredibly large smile (through the pain). – Explorer Chick Amanda

Book your Banff Hiking Adventure

Backpacking Workshops for Beginners

If you’re new to the backpacking crew, we’ve got trips for you too!

Red River Gorge Backpacking Workshop

Launch a love affair for living and backpacking with our workshop in Kentucky’s Red River Gorge. New to hiking and backpacking? Don’t have your own gear? Don’t worry! Explorer Chick guides have you covered on this beginners backpacking trip with all the essential big-ticket items like sleeping pads, sleeping bags, and a BFF to share your tent with! This long weekend trip length is a perfect way to dip your toes into backpacking.

WOW! A simply amazing adventure to the Red River Gorge last weekend. Lauren is a fantastic guide with extensive knowledge of backpacking and the Gorge. I met eight ladies, from various states, who quickly became adventure buddies. The weekend was filled with hiking, talking, laughing, and of course more hiking.

My only wish is that it would last longer. Definitely a recommended adventure. – Explorer Chick Jessica F.

Book Your Red River Gorge Backpacking Workshop

Backpacking for Beginners Virtual Workshop

Not quite ready for an overnight trip in the wilderness? Learn backpacking beginner essentials right from home with our live virtual backpacking workshop! We’ll go over everything you need to know for your first backpacking experience, from camping safety items to meal planning and the importance of a multi tool (trust us).

We’ll talk essential gear and give expert advice on what to pack, and on things like choosing a sleeping pad or sleeping bag for lightweight backpacking. The workshop includes tons other expert backpacking tips like bear spray safety, and how to save a ton of toilet paper with a Kula Cloth. Our expert guides will have you feeling ready for your first trip in no time!

Sign Up for Our Virtual Backpacking Workshop

We also offer lighter-pack and portered hiking trips

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