Women’s Guided Backpacking Trips
Seasoned backpacker? Complete noob? Either way, you’re in luck! We’ve got your dreams of getting dirty and rocking an overnight backpacking trip covered. Adventure into the great outdoors with a group of badass backpacking ladies who you’ll consider best friends by the time you return to the trailhead.
What can we say? That’s just what happens when wild women adventure together. Whether it’s your first backpacking trip or you’re a seasoned hiker, hiking yourself to a backcountry campsite, trips with Explorer Chick are for anyone stoked on adventure!
Look, we don’t care if your pedicure is chipped or you count dry shampoo and a second layer of deodorant as “showering”-just come play with us!
Your Explorer Chick Dream Team provides expert-led guided backpacking trips with some of the best female outdoor guides in the business. Sure, we take care of those pesky travel details like entrance fees, backpacking gear, meals, and lodging. But that bonding that happens around the campfire at night? The friendships forged while toughing it out on the trail? Those famous Explorer Chick SHE-nanigans? All we can say is once you travel with us, you get it.