Ultimate Jordan and Petra Tour

Hiking, Canyoning, Cultural, Camel Ride, 4x4 Desert Safari
12 Explorer Chicks
8 Days


Read HERE for info on 2023 Dates.


Enjoy a women-only adventure by camping under the desert stars on our Ultimate Jordan and Petra Tour! Over the course of 8 days and 7 nights, you’ll hike portions of the Jordan Trail, ride camels in Wadi Rum, float in the Dead Sea, and glamp under desert stars. Yep! Your Jordan Adventure will channel every ounce of your inner Indiana Jane! Cue the theme song and sing it enthusiastically as you read on about your Jordan adventure. 

King’s Highway Canyon Exploring and Swimming

Your adventure kicks off along the King’s Highway, which you’ll travel before exploring one of the most beautiful canyons on earth. Swim through milky blue waters beneath towering basalt canyon walls. Then cozy up with your new Explorer Chick besties at an eco-lodge within the boundaries of Dana Nature Reserve.  

Jordan Trail Hiking and Glamping

The following morning, you’ll wake to trek 5 miles along one of the most scenic sections of the Jordan Trail to arrive at Little Petra. En route, you’ll be able to see into Israel and learn about the biblical significance of the trail by our local guide. That night, you’ll relax under the stars at an authentic Bedouin camp in a comfortable glamping site with a bed and mattress.

Petra Tour

The next day, you’ll journey to Petra on foot over the course of 9 miles. The hike might seem long, but you’ll be rewarded by entering Petra through a back entrance before exploring the narrow slot canyons and caves deep within the vast UNESCO World Heritage site. On your second day in Petra, our local guide will take us on a super-secret hike with stunning views known only by the locals (ShhhhhDon’t tell the tourists!).

Wadi Rum Desert Tour and Bedouin Camp

After our time in Petra, we’ll venture to Wadi Rum, the Arabic word for “dry river bed” aka where Matt Damon grew his doo-doo potatoes in The Martian. The Wadi Rum desert is unlike anything else on Earth! Protected by the National Park, this area is devoid of man-made architecture and influence. Instead, the nomadic Bedouin people thrive on what the Earth provides and call Wadi Rum their home. Lucky for us, the Bedouins will welcome us into their communities and share some of their favorite hiking trails. Spend two nights under more breathtaking stars in another authentic Bedouin camp. Your home will be a raised canvas tent complete with a bed and local decor.

Jeep Safari Tour to Mountain Rock Scramble and Desert Camel Ride

While in Wadi Rum, board a Jeep to safari to Burdah Mountain and take on a challenging  3-4 hour scramble to reach the famous Burdah Rock Bridge. If you’re feeling intrepid, inch out to the middle of an arch that stands 900 feet high. Catch your last sunset in Wadi Rum on the back of a camel as you enjoy a bucket-list desert experience. 

Dead Sea Swim and Jordanian Cooking Class

On your final full day, we’ll journey to the lowest place on the earth—The Dead Sea. Sit back, float, slather on some “magical” mineral mud, and wonder to yourself how you got to be so brave. In the evening, we’ll gather for one last meal. But here’s the kicker: You are going to help prepare it under the leadership of a Jordanian culinary school that is women-owned and operated!

Day 1 – Arrival to Amman, Jordan!

Welcome to Amman, Jordan! Upon arrival at Queen Alia International Airport, you will be greeted by a local representative who will assist you through the immigration process. Your visa fees are included in your trip price. After collecting your checked baggage, you will be driven in a private vehicle to our Rendezvous Hotel in Amman.

We will meet as a group at 7pm for an official orientation, welcome dinner, and your first taste of the delicious Jordanian cuisine!

Accommodation: Boutique Hotel in Amman

Meals: Welcome dinner

Day 2 – Hike, Swim, Slide, and Jump through Wadi Hidan!

You will quickly learn that Jordan has many hidden, unexpected gems. Today, we’ll jump right in (pun intended!) to discover why this magical country will leave it’s impact on you for years to come.

One of Jordan’s many secrets are the deep, lush slot canyons that get overlooked in favor of more popular tourist destinations. Our trail leads us through a narrow gorge where we’ll hike along the river,  scramble up and down rocks, and even swim through the milky blue waters!

After our hike, we’ll transfer to our eco-lodge perched on the edge of the cliff for optimal views over the Dana Nature Reserve. Each room has a terrace with views of the mountains and canyons surrounding the eco-lodge. Dinner tonight is sourced from local ingredients featuring the diverse flavors in Jordanian cuisine.

Hiking Time: 4-5 hours

Accommodation: Eco-hotel in Dana

Meals: B, Trail Lunch, D

Day 3 – Hike to Little Petra via The Jordan Trail

Today’s hike leads us on one of the most spectacular stretches of the 404 mile Jordan Trail. The Jordan Trail thru-hike travels on a North/South journey through the entire country.

Our 5 mile hike along The Jordan Trail leads us along the ancient footpaths that traders and merchants utilized when traveling along the Silk Road. We’ll be navigating through unmarked terrain with our local Jordanian guide who point out ancient Biblical landmarks and share the rich history of the area. You’ll have views across the desert to Israel as you munch on your trail lunch before descending to the ancient archaeological site of Little Petra.

We’ll arrive in Little Petra in the late afternoon as the sun is casting her golden glow on the ancient cave dwellings, a temple, dining area, and community caves dating back to the 1st Century. You’ll look up in awe at an incredibly rare 2,000 year old ceiling fresco preserved in an ancient dining room. Your local Jordan Guide will elaborate on several different scenarios depicting what life may have looked like from different historians’ beliefs. Let your mind wander back in time as you explore the intricate architecture of this Nabataean UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Afterwards, we’ll meet our Bedouin Hosts for the evening where we’ll sleep in canvas tents under the stars and feast on a traditional Bedouin dinner.

Hiking Distance: 5 miles

Accommodation: Bedouin Glamping

Meals: B, Trail Lunch, D

Day 4 – Petra, The Ancient City of Mysteries

We’ll wake up early today to start our hike into the vast UNESCO Site of Petra. To avoid the majority of the other tourists, we’ll take a backdoor entrance where we’ll walk in the footsteps of the ancient Nabataeans through canyons, along cliffs, and across desert plains. The trail rounds a mountain and  you’ll be greeted by The Monastery seemingly rising out of the Earth. We’ll stop for refreshments from a local Bedouin cafe while basking in the grandeur of the ancient tomb dating back to the 3rd Century B.C.

Continuing through Petra, we’ll descend over 800 steps through slot canyons where we’ll easily see how daily life thrived over 2,000 years ago. Local Bedouins sell their handmade goods and detailed handicrafts to hikers traveling through the passageways of Petra to The Treasury.

We’ll stop for lunch in the main city center of Petra where daily life once thrived. After lunch you’ll wander through elaborate tombs carved in to the sandstone walls with our local guide as she explains the history of the architecture and the intricate aqueducts which allowed civilizations to thrive in a desert climate.

Last but certainly not least we’ll visit The Treasury, one of the most iconic archaeological sites in the region. Originally used as a temple, it received it’s name from the misbelief that it contained treasures. After exploring this beautiful site, we’ll exit Petra via a narrow slot canyon to our hotel and a well-deserved dinner!

Hiking Distance: 9-10 miles

Accommodation: Hotel in Petra

Meals: B, L, D

Day 5 – Experience life as a Bedouin in Petra

The nomadic Bedouins inhabited the caves in Petra up until the late 1900’s. To this day, some Bedouins still call Petra their home but live away from the casual tourists’ eye. Today, we’ll travel where not many other tourists go as we hike up to a high point above the entire site of Petra with views to the city center. From this viewpoint, we’ll discover Edomite buildings from the 7th-6th centuries B.C., along with a splendid Nabataean/Roman bath complex that overlooks the entire city which was just recently excavated.

On our way back to the main tourist trail, we’ll stop for lunch at a local Bedouin home. You’ll learn about their local way of life quickly learn why the Jordan people are known for their warm hospitality.

We’ll leave Petra and transfer 2 hours to the magnificent desert of Wadi Rum where you’ll spend the next 2 nights.

Hiking Distance: 9.5 miles

Accommodation: Bedouin Glamping

Meals: B, L, D

Day 6 – Hike to Jebal Burdah Rock Bridge and a Sunset Camel Ride

You’ll wake up to the smell of coffee, tea, and a traditional Bedouin breakfast. After feasting like a local, we’ll hop in a 4×4 truck that will take us across the road less Wadi Rum desert to our trailhead. Our local Bedouin guide will guide us up the unmarked terrain to the summit of the highest rock bridge in Wadi Rum! You’ll have the opportunity to walk out on the bridge 262 feet in the air if you’re feeling BOLD!

Afterwards, we’ll transfer back to our camp where we’ll discover why Wadi Rum is known for it’s epic sunsets. Make a new camel friend as we take a leisurely ride across desert in the golden hour light.

Hiking/Scrambling Time: 3-4 hours

Accommodation: Bedouin Glamping

Meals: B, L, D

Day 7 – Dead Sea Float and Cooking Class

We’ll depart Wadi Rum after one more delicious breakfast to visit the lowest point on Earth! The Dead Sea sits at 1,410 feet below Sea Level. We’ll check off a Bucket List goal and swim (float is more accurate!) to our heart’s content in the salty water. Onsite, there is a resort where we’ll have lunch before transferring back to Amman.

Upon arrival in Amman, we’ll check in to our hotel and freshen up before our final dinner together – a cooking class! We’ll learn how to prepare a local Jordanian dish from a women owned and operated culinary school. Jordanian food has a heavy Mediterranean and Turkish influence making it one of the most delicious cuisines on Earth. Eat up!

Accommodation: Boutique Hotel in Amman

Meals: B, L, Cooking Class & Dinner

Day 8 – Departures

Many flights out of Queen Alia International Airport depart in the early hours of the morning. You will be transferred to the airport regardless of your departure time. Feel free to fly out anytime today.

Meals: Breakfast

*Explorer Chick reserves the option to modify trip itineraries at the discretion of your tour director as necessary due to weather, conditions, illness, injury, group dynamics, availability, or other unforeseen incidents.

  • 4 Nights in boutique style hotels. Shared – 2 per room
    • Wi-Fi signal is not very strong
    • Bathrooms will be a mix of shared and en suite.
  • 3 Nights Glamping in Bedouin Style Tents. Shared – 2-3 per room
    • Tents are located on a raised, wooden platform. Each tent has 2 beds, warm blankets, and the traditional colorful Bedouin decor.
    • Central Community Tent where tea and meals are served. Lounge on comfortable cushions with a fire, colorful rugs, and plenty of space to relax after the day’s adventures.
    • Bathroom facilities are shared and located a short walk from your Bedouin Tent. Showers are heated by solar.
    • No Wi-Fi or electricity.
  • Guided tour of the vast archeological site of Petra with plenty of time to explore on your own.
  • Hike a portion of the Jordan Trail walking along the Silk Road trade route from thousands of years ago ending at Little Petra.
  • Swim/Float in the Dead Sea from a resort location.
  • Hike to one of the most secret, undiscovered spots in Petra with views of the entire archeological site.
  • Hike to the tallest arch in Wadi Rum, Burdah Rock Bridge.
  • Enjoy a traditional, home-cooked lunch while visiting the nomadic Bedouins of Petra.
  • Sunset Camel Ride through the Wadi Rum Desert.
  • Slide, swim, and hike through one of Jordan’s most beautiful canyons.
  • Privately Guided tour of Petra including The Monastery and The Treasury.
  • Intimate cooking class learning to prepare a traditional middle-eastern dish.
  • Jordan Visa with airport pickup and assistance through customs.
  • All meals as indicated in itinerary: B-7, L-6, D-7.
  • Private Explorer Chick land-transportation throughout itinerary including airport transfers in an air conditioned vehicle.
  • Local English Speaking Driver.
  • A commemorative Explorer Chick shirt.
  • All tips for included meals and local guides.
  • A detailed Travel Guide upon booking with everything you need to know for your trip.
  • The freedom to enjoy your vacation and mindlessly wander!
  • Local English speaking female guide(s) throughout the full itinerary.
  • Local English speaking male Bedouin Guide during your hike in Wadi Rum.
  • One experienced Explorer Chick Leader ensuring your trip is seamless and unforgettable!
  • Small Group experience! Your Explorer Chick Adventure is exclusive and limited to 12 women.

*Packages do NOT include your round-trip airfare, rendezvous hotel stays, alcoholic beverages, Explorer Chick Leader tips, or costs for additional activities.

*Does NOT include your Explorer Chick Guide’s Tips – Tipping your Explorer Chick Guide is optional, but customary. If you wish to recognize your Explorer Chick Guide for exceptional service, we recommend you tip them 10-25% of your trip costs.

*A passport that is valid for at least 6 months past your arrival date is required.

*Explorer Chick reserves the option to modify trip itineraries at the discretion of your tour director as necessary due to weather, conditions, illness, injury, group dynamics, or other unforeseen incidents.

You will receive a Travel Guide attached to your booking confirmation with all the information you’ll need to prepare for your epic trip.

Your trip begins and ends in Amman, Jordan (AMM).

Day 1: Arrival Day. Fly in to Amman, Jordan anytime prior to 5pm. You will be greeted at the airport and assisted through immigration. You will then be transferred to our Rendezvous Hotel where you will be able to relax and freshen up before meeting up with the rest of your Explorer Chick gal pals at 7pm.

Day 8: Departure Day. Fly out of Amman, Jordan anytime today. Flights typically depart Amman in the early hours of the morning. Your airport transfer will be arranged for you regardless of the hour.

We require a minimum of 4 Explorer Chicks for this trip. Please confirm your trip is guaranteed before booking your airfare.

Just as you would a marathon, you must train prior to your adventure. The itinerary is packed with multiple days of hiking and adventures taking place on a variety of terrain. You should be comfortable with hiking up to 10 miles and a full day with your day pack. You should very easily be able to hike on rough terrain at 2 miles per hour. Please read the itinerary thoroughly with the stated distances.

You should be training on rough and rugged terrain – not perfectly paved sidewalks. Train how you play! Also, find steps, a hill, or the Stairmaster and get to climbing! Your quads, booty, and calves will thank you. Train in all the weather – This even means rain! Please consider the physical demands carefully as it is for the safety and enjoyment of the group.

Train your tootsies! Do not show up with brand new hiking boots or trail shoes. You should be spending hours upon hours in your boots leading up to your adventure to break them in. Better to suffer blisters at home than to miss out on a hike due to painful hot spots on your feet. This is our number one injury. Do not let it happen to you!

Please consider your ability to meet the physical demands very seriously. It is for the safety of both you and our group. All Explorer Chicks will be required to sign an Acknowledgement of Physical Demands as part of their waiver upon booking.

Day 0: Jerash Archeological Site Tour + Aljoun Forest Reserve

On this optional Day 0 Tour to Jerash and the Ajloun Forest Reserve, you will board private transportation at our rendezvous hotel in Amman at 9am the day before your tour begins on Day 0.

Jerash is regarded as one of the most important and best-preserved Roman cities in the Middle East. Due to the dry conditions in Jordan, the 6,500-year-old amphitheater, plazas and arches are in excellent condition.

You will explore the Aljoun Forest Reserve and tour the Calligraphy House and Biscuit House. At Aljoun, you will try your hand at the ancient art of Arabic calligraphy. Practicing the six different styles of Arabic calligraphy; you will learn to write your name in your favorite style all while supporting income-generating activities for local Jordanian women. At the Biscuit House, you will taste biscuits and crackers made by local women artisans. The Biscuit House supports the work of local women and is a model for women-owned small businesses throughout the region.

After your Aljoun tour,  you will visit a local home and savor a traditionally prepared Jordanian meal before returning to Amman for the evening.

Pricing per person: $399

Pricing Includes: private transportation, permit fees, a local guide, tips for local guide + driver, a delicious lunch with a Jordanian family, and Single Accommodation room at our Rendezvous Hotel on the evening of Day 0.

It is recommended that you arrive a day early, and we can assist you to arrange a pre-tour hotel room for you at the Rendezvous Hotel.

This excursion needs a minimum of 4 Explorer Chicks to confirm.

Day 1: Amman City + Cultural Tour

Departs from our rendezvous hotel in Amman at 9am on Day 1.

The optional tour will include: The Citadel and Roman Theater in Amman and tour of downtown. We will return to our hotel at approximately 4pm on Day 1 of your tour.

Pricing per person: $69

Includes: private transportation, a local guide, tips for local guide + driver, lunch in Amman

This excursion needs a minimum of 4 Explorer Chicks to confirm.

Still not convinced that THIS is the adventure for you?

We’ve rounded up some of our most popular blog posts, so you can get to know us a bit better and learn what really goes down on your Explorer Chick Adventure.

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2022: $4,299

Optional Excursions:

Day 0 Jerash + Aljoun  Tour – $399

Day 1 Amman City + Cultural Tour – $69

Save $300 with Early Bird Pricing!

See our Discount page for Codes and Expirations!

Non-Refundable Deposit: $300 due at booking to secure your spot

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